Xtreme Chess... Part 2

Xtreme Chess... Part 2

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As many of you may have seen yesterday, I updated (via a comment to my article here, and a forum thread here) that IM Greg Shahade's latest project -- Xtreme Chess -- had released it's second episode on YouTube. Watch it here real quick:

So, obviously my first posting on this project created lots of "mixed emotions" for our community, and the idea/approach itself generated all kinds of feedback... so, watcha think now?

In general, I am still in favor this idea for the many reasons I listed in my first blog and the comments that followed. I feel it has the potential to reach different demographics that may not otherwise be exposed to chess. It's an interesting take on our game, (even if a little flawed and exaggerated) -- but I don't think purists should be offended, but rather, supportive to see the idea get attention and maybe watch and see where it goes...

I wasn't as "surprised" this time around, so I don't think I got as excited about Xtreme Chess in this second video. I felt the commentary wasn't quite as good -- not bad, but a little repetitive --  BUT I liked the different angles they took with showing the player's lives.

I am excited to see where the storylines goes as players get eliminated Tongue out...

IM Daniel Rensch

Chief Chess Officer, LLC.

International Master Danny Rensch is best known for his videos and shows - but also writes educational articles, publishes breaking chess news, and organizes the details for's biggest events, like the Grandmaster Blitz Battle Championships, Blitz Death Matches, the National Invitational Championship and more!