
Good position plus tactical oversight = loss

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This is a game where I played well positionally, failed to find the right way to open the queenside, then missed a tactic from my opponent that ended the game rather quickly.

Click the move list to see some short side variations.

(I've mixed up "Black" and "White" when mentioning bad bishop and f5 and d5 in one of the annotations)

On 29. Nf6+ I was seeing the ghost of Kf8 Nh7# if my knight had still been on e7. I also missed the pin of the f7 pawn after Qh7+.

Welcome to my blog! In the USCF I am rated 1921.


The content posted here is from my real chess experience, either games I've played or observed. I'll try to put an instructive twist on it. So if you're looking for a glimpse into how a B player thinks about the game, check in and see what I've got. Well, recently my rating has gone over 1800, so perhaps I should list myself as class A instead of class B, but it's not a huge difference.

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