
Chapter 16 : The honey-Bees and No.16

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These are some of the  Amazing new  discoveries about this chapter  in the Holy Quran  No. 16  which called   The Honey-Bees

1-The Name Of Allah repeated in 64 verses in this chapter    And   64 / 16  = 4

2- The Name Of Allah repeated  2times/verse    in 16 verses   

3-the chromosomes of the male-Bee are   16    And the female-Bee :  16 *2

4- the only verse which have the Name of the Honey-bees is  No 68  .... which have 13 words     And :  68*13  = 884 

And the Number of the Words from the Beginning of the Chapter till the Word Honey Bee   are  exactly  884 Words !!!!!

5- the chapters which have  verse No. 68 from the Beginning of the Quran  are 13 chapters (  2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-15-16

and again :           13*68 =884

6-  the Last verse in this Chapter No 16   is No  128  = 16*8

and it has also 8 words  ..... and   128 / 8   =  16

and it has  32 letters   ..... and  32*128  = 4096    =  16*16*16


7- the Quran refers to the female Honey-bee that it is the one who produce the Honey  and  has the decision to chose the place where to settle or eat

and that it has a special Path  ( God gave her)

8-The Number of letters without Repetition  in the Verse No 68 ( which mentioned the Name of honey Bee are  16 Letters ..(in Pink)

وأوحى ربّك إلى النّحل أن اتّخذي من الجبال

بيوتا ومن الشّجر وممّا يعرشون

that was not everything ..  still  more amazing things  are there ...