
Play Chess With Magnus Carlsen!

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The New York chess club Chess NYC has a very special chess camp lined up starting 20 August 2012.  From the ChessNYC website...


A lucky group of young aspiring Chess Masters and game lovers will spend an entire week of Camp with The World's #1 rated Grandmaster, GM Magnus Carlsen, a host of Special Guests and Chess NYC Professionals! At a convenient Manhattan Campus TBA.

The Week will include many special events and culminate with a Day of Tournament Play and Chess Fun on Sunday WITH MAGNUS CARLSEN PARTICIPATING! 

GM Magnus Carlsen had this to say about the upcoming excitement . "I am pleased to help support the Growth of Chess NYC, their impressive reach, exciting approach to Chess instruction and emphasis on the love and fun of the game is getting global notice. I look forward to a long and strong alliance with the  Chess NYC Team,  Propper and Makofsky are truly on to something big". 

"We are excited!" added Chess NYC President Russ Makofsky. "All of our Programs have grown consistently year over year but we chose the week of August 20th so everyone was out of school and adults could play hooky to be available for this special week of chess play, coaching and celebration Tournament"  

"We're making chess cool around here" continued Michael Propper, a principal in Chess NYC, "Thank Goodness the #1 player on the planet is cool too! We wouldn't have it any other way! An entire, week of chess, hanging and playing with the worlds #1...WOW"

Applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis.




Register here to book your place!