
How to Master the Endgame

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After we have covered a great deal of middlegame concepts, I found it appropriate for me to take some time to discuss the final stage of the ancient game, namely the endgame. The endgame for many players is an unclear notion, as they often do not know when it starts, how one’s strategy should change, or how to play it in general. One of the most widespread misconceptions about the endgame is that it is often confused with the ending, which typically involves fewer pieces and often has a theoretical solution or known method to be played correctly. However, the endgame is not just the ending and it actually starts with the exchange of the queens. That being said, the endgame stage starts much earlier than some may have taught before and thus it has much more position variety and strategies to be learned. Nevertheless, one thing is certain, the endgame strategy is much different than the middlegame’s and for this reason, I decided to devote my today’s blog to mastering the endgame. In my lecture below, I discuss the three most important elements one should look for while evaluating an endgame position. I have also commented on them within the context of a real game played between two masters that was decided after a careful play by one of them in the endgame. I hope you enjoy my lecture and improve your endgame after applying these revolutionary principles.