Kind of Lame Game

Kind of Lame Game

| 9

[previous round]

My 6th round game from the Metropolitan Invitational does not make for a very entertaining post. The most interesting thing I can come up with to say about this game is that I was thinking about what opening to play against my opponent, IM Zhanibek Amanov. At first I thought I should play 1.d4. Then I thought some more in the car on the way there, and decided I should play 1.e4. But in the elevator form the parking to the playing room, I decided I should play 1.d4.



Well, what can you say-- sometimes not much happens in a chess game. Like if Grischuk has white, for example. At least I got the chance to play the position out for a while, and think about a few endgame-type positions, so I should be slightly less likely to blunder and lose this kind of endgame in the future. Rounds 7, 8, and 9 were much more entertaining I promise! You won't want to miss them!

[next round]

IM David Pruess


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I've also created (with a team) a strategy card game: Give it a try if you are looking for another game :-)