
Avoiding Premature Attacks when Playing Chess

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Avoiding Premature Attacks when Playing Chess

A common mistake made by chess beginners is they will often see an opportunity to attack, and act hastily. The premature attack leads to disaster for the beginner because it can create opportunities for the opponent to win or get an advantage.

What Is a Premature Attack?

A premature attack is a move (usually early in the game), that captures an insignificant piece for what seems to be a good reason at the time. The move is normally made without considering the potential future outcome, thus, resulting in loss.

Why a Premature Attack Occurs

Beginners who are eager to win see opportunities in every move to capture one of the opponent's pieces. They may have a difficult time focusing on the "big picture" of the game. When an opening comes available to capture the opponent's piece, the beginner leaps on the chance, and captures the piece without thinking or from fear of losing one of his own pieces.

The beginner may develop the mentality early in his chess playing days that he should attack at all costs. Getting as many "little" victories as possible in the beginning seems like the right thing to do, but that's not always the case.

The premature attack may also occur when the beginner feels that he'll have a chance at capturing the queen early in the game. He may look ahead to capturing the queen while totally ignoring the potential move of his opponent after the fact. Once his move is made, the opponent comes in for the kill!

How to Avoid Premature Attacks

There are a few ways to avoid making this fatal mistake. Chess is a game of strategy, remember? Creating a winning strategy sometimes includes passing on what seems to be a great opportunity.

Each time you find it convenient to capture an opponent's piece, think again. Look ahead to the possible next move of your opponent. Create an entire play in your mind that may occur. If it looks as though your opponent could get the upper hand after your attack, then don't do it.

Instead of making a premature attack, use the move to simply advance one of your pieces. Leave the attack alone until you feel absolutely confident that you can follow through with a great move or conquer with your next turn. You can surprise your opponent by not being hasty. By Candice Pardue