
Morphy Chess Clubs - Where Are They Now?

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Again, just forwarding things of interest...


In March 1858, Paul Morphy wrote a letter to his friend Daniel
Fiske in which he referred to a possible match with Staunton. The
original letter had been part of the Russell Collection, but was sold
to a private collector. The content of that letter, however, was not
confidential. It had appeared, among other places, in Paul Morphy:
The Pride and Sorrow of Chess by David Lawson (1976, David
McKay), pages 93-94.

About the letter, Lawson remarks that it was sent by Morphy after
being prodded by Fiske for games for the Chess Monthly. Here is
the text of the letter:

From: Paul Morphy
To: Daniel W. Fiske
Date: March 9, 1858

My dear Fiske:

Do not get too excited about the delay this month; it has not been
in my power to forward the games sooner. Henceforward, depend
upon it, the games will reach you in good time. I only send four,
requesting you to insert whatever there you may see fit, as I really
am at a loss to select among those I have here.

The New Orleans Chess Club has challenged Mr. Staunton for a
stake of 5,000 dollars. I will send you tomorrow a copy of the letter
addressed to that gentleman, together with the proposed "terms of
the match" - I have received a very flattering communication from
Belton Bill Co., Texas, informing me that a chess club has been
established there under the name of the "Morphy Chess Club" - I
understand that another "Morphy Chess Club" has been started in

Present my regards to each and every member of your club and
believe me

Ever your best friend
/s/ Paul Morphy