
SchachTherapy: Meet NM Zug (Mike Petersen)

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If you have EVER been to Live Chess then you've probably heard of his name:  Zug.

National Master, Mike Petersen brings something fresh to the scene with his segments "Ask the Master" (where he answers all user questions) and "Play the Master" (where he plays users and provides suggestions to get them closer to their chess goals).


This interview was fun and VERY interesting...I  had no idea what it actually entailed to become an NM.  Not only is he awesome at chess, NM Zug also has a few surprises up his sleeve.  Listen to here some of  the things that he used to do and what he plans on doing in the near future.

Granted, this was recorded 15 March and posted 4 months later...listening to this again was like talking to him all over again :D Fun Fun Fun!

I was a bit surprised at how many tiimes I said "appreciate"...if anyone can tell me how many times I've done it in this 35 min win a free pawn.

Peace :D