Knights v. Bishops

Knights v. Bishops

| 14

These are notes I found while cleaning out my papers that I had forgotten I owned! I decided there was good information here, worth further study as I have forgotten much of this and the "why's" of most of this! Please feel free to comment!


Two bishops can checkmate.

Bishops are more valuable later in the game when there are greater number of squares in which it can travel unimpeded.

The Bishop's value is measured according to how many squares it commands from a central location and how fast it can get there.

Because of the Knight's value in the beginning game due to its ability to move around and behind pawns, it is a strong offensive move to capture the Knight early in the game.

Bishops have more mobility as they can traverse the board more quickly.

A Bishop can stalemate a Knight.

A Bishop can command only 1 color at a time, and can only command that color.

The stronger the player becomes, the more value is placed on the Bishop over the Knight.

As pawns are removed from the board, the more powerful the Bishop becomes.

When your opponent ha a bishop, keep your pawns on its color. When you have a bishop, regarldess of what your opponent has, keep your pawns on the color opposite the bishop.


Two knights can not checkmate.

Knights are most valuable during openings for their center control and its ability to hop around and behind pawns.

Knights are more valuable towards the middle of the board where they require less moves to travel to where they are needed.

Because of the Knight's value in the beginning game due to its ability to move around and behind pawns, it is a strong offensive move to capture the Knight early in the game.

Knights are limited in their mobility as it takes several moves to move accross the board.

A Knight can not stalemate a Bishop.

A Knight can command only 1 color at a time, though it alternates with each move: Occupy a white square to cover black squares, then occupy a black square to cover white squares.

The weaker the player, the more terrible the Knight is to him.

As pawns are removed from the board, the less powerful the Knight becomes.


So, a Bishop is an advantage over the Knight, except in certain conditions:

  1. All the pawns are on one side of the board.
  2. The pawns are locked together so that they can not move.